Andy McManama
Andy McManama has been a poster child for the World Baseball Academy, fulfilling our mission. Born and raised in Fort Wayne, Andy attended Carroll High School. Throughout his middle school and high school years, Andy attended numerous World Baseball Academy training programs.
During high school Andy chose to jump in and get involved, serving as a volunteer assistant instructor and site director for the Hoosier Classic Summer Tournaments. Through his perseverance and initiative, Andy became a key instructor and the full-time Tournament Director of the Hoosier Classic Baseball Tournaments at a very young age. Under his leadership, the Hoosier Classic Tournaments have continued to see significant growth in participation. Recently, Andy was promoted to Director of Operations overseeing the facility management of the Outdoor Campus and WBA Programming.
Andy also serves as a Carroll High School Assistant Baseball Coach, Eric Wedge Camp Director, and International Instructor. Andy has proven himself to be a leader within the baseball community.
Countries Served: USA, Kenya, Bulgaria