Stories of Past Trip Participants
"It has been a privilege to travel the world using the game of baseball as a relationship building tool. I am always humbled at how a simple game can unite different groups of people and create a common language understood by all. I am so encouraged by the vision and the leadership of World Baseball Academy and proud to say I've been a small part of something much bigger. The international experience can often change the perspective of an individual thus altering the trajectory of their life for years to come. - Steve Sotir, Former Director of Player Development for IBA
"I have had the privilege to work alongside the WBA Leadership in both Kenya as well as the Dominican Republic. In 2015, I had the opportunity for my daughter and I to join the WBA Team to serve in the Dominican Republic. It simply was one of the most fulfilling weeks of my life. To be in a positive environment and to be serving alongside my daughter was incredibly impactful. While we went to help meet needs of impoverished children, I believe we received more in personal growth than anything we could have given to them. I will treasure this experience the rest of my life and can't wait to make a return trip! Thank you WBA and everyone who makes these experiences possible." - Jamie Frazier, Homestead High School Teacher and Former Coach
"I believe God has called us to serve not only the people in our own neighborhood but also our brothers and sisters around the world. I have witnessed first hand, time and time again, that baseball is such a relational tool to help build friendships and share my faith in other nations. It has been rewarding to see World Baseball Academy continue to partner with international leaders around the world to use baseball as a tool for something much bigger than just a game." - Deanna DeTurk, Mom, Grandma, International Short-Term Missionary
"This week changed my life. I use to complain about the surfaces on some of the fields I compete on in college. Now after seeing the joy on the children's face and their contentment as they play in a garbage filled park has changed my perspective. They just wanted someone to simply care about them and it was incredibly fulfilling to do so." - Chad Brooks, Indiana Tech College Student
"The opportunity to partner with World Baseball Academy and travel internationally has positively change my view of this world. Being able to see what poverty really looks like while connecting with children from different parts of the world has been a life changing experience. I use think that having to receive a Kidney transplant at a young age was the biggest success of my life. I believe serving internationally has been my biggest highlight." - Andrew Armstrong, Former New Tech High School Student
"It was a special week. To be able to combine the two things that I love, my faith and baseball, allowed me to better understand how I can impact others. This experience made a big difference in my life." - Conner Gordon, Middle School Student